


Table of Contents

What is BGPPolicy?

BGPPolicy is a custom resource that allows users to run a BGP process on selected Kubernetes Nodes and advertise Service IPs, Pod IPs, and Egress IPs to remote BGP peers, facilitating the integration of Kubernetes workloads with an external BGP-enabled network.


BGPPolicy was introduced in Antrea v2.1 as an alpha feature. A feature gate, BGPPolicy, must be enabled on antrea-agent in the antrea-config ConfigMap for the feature to work, like the following:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: antrea-config
  namespace: kube-system
  antrea-agent.conf: |
      BGPPolicy: true    

The BGPPolicy resource

A BGPPolicy in Kubernetes is a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) object.

The following manifest creates a BGPPolicy object. It will start a BGP process with ASN 64512, listening on port 179, on Nodes labeled with bgp=enabled. The process will advertise LoadBalancerIPs and ExternalIPs to a BGP peer at IP address, which has ASN 65001 and listens on port 179:

apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: BGPPolicy
  name: example-bgp-policy
      bgp: enabled
  localASN: 64512
  listenPort: 179
      ipTypes: [LoadBalancerIP, ExternalIP]
    - address:
      asn: 65001
      port: 179


The nodeSelector field selects which Kubernetes Nodes the BGPPolicy applies to based on the Node labels. The field is mandatory.

Note: If multiple BGPPolicy objects select the same Node, the one with the earliest creation time will be chosen as the effective BGPPolicy.


The localASN field defines the Autonomous System Number (ASN) that the local BGP process uses. The available private ASN range is 64512-65535. The field is mandatory.


The listenPort field specifies the port on which the BGP process listens. The default value is 179. The valid port range is 1-65535.


The advertisements field configures which IPs are advertised to BGP peers.

  • pod: Specifies how to advertise Pod IPs. The Node IPAM Pod CIDRs will be advertised by setting pod:{}. Note that IPs allocated by Antrea Flexible IPAM are not yet supported.
  • egress: Specifies how to advertise Egress IPs. All Egress IPs will be advertised by setting egress:{}. A Node will only advertise Egress IPs which are local (i.e., assigned to the Node).
  • service: Specifies how to advertise Service IPs. The ipTypes field lists the types of Service IPs to be advertised, which can include ClusterIP, ExternalIP, and LoadBalancerIP.
    • All Nodes can advertise all ClusterIPs, respecting internalTrafficPolicy. If internalTrafficPolicy is set to Local, a Node will only advertise ClusterIPs with at least one local Endpoint.
    • All Nodes can advertise all ExternalIPs and LoadBalancerIPs, respecting externalTrafficPolicy. If externalTrafficPolicy is set to Local, a Node will only advertise IPs with at least one local Endpoint.


The bgpPeers field lists the BGP peers to which the advertisements are sent.

  • address: The IP address of the BGP peer.
  • asn: The Autonomous System Number of the BGP peer.
  • port: The port number on which the BGP peer listens. The default value is 179.
  • multihopTTL: The Time To Live (TTL) value used in BGP packets sent to the BGP peer, with a range of 1 to 255. The default value is 1.
  • gracefulRestartTimeSeconds: Specifies how long the BGP peer waits for the BGP session to re-establish after a restart before deleting stale routes, with a range of 1 to 3600 seconds. The default value is 120 seconds.

BGP router ID

The BGP router identifier (ID) is a 4-byte field that is usually represented as an IPv4 address. Antrea uses the following steps to choose the BGP router ID:

  1. If the node.antrea.io/bgp-router-id annotation is present on the Node and its value is a valid IPv4 address string, we will use the provided value.
  2. Otherwise, for an IPv4-only or dual-stack Kubernetes cluster, the Node’s IPv4 address (assigned to the transport interface) is used.
  3. Otherwise, for IPv6-only clusters, a 32-bit integer will be generated by hashing the Node’s name, then converted to the string representation of an IPv4 address.

After this selection process, the node.antrea.io/bgp-router-id annotation is added or updated as necessary to reflect the selected BGP router ID.

The router ID is generated once and will not be updated if the Node configuration changes (e.g., if the Node’s IPv4 address is updated).

BGP Authentication

BGP authentication ensures that BGP sessions are established and maintained only with legitimate peers. Users can provide authentication passwords for different BGP peering sessions by storing them in a Kubernetes Secret. The Secret must be defined in the same Namespace as Antrea (kube-system by default) and must be named antrea-bgp-passwords.

By default, this Secret is not created, and BGP authentication is considered unconfigured for all BGP peers. If the Secret is created like in the following example, each entry should have a key that is the concatenated string of the BGP peer IP address and ASN (e.g.,, 2001:db8::1-65000), with the value being the password for that BGP peer. If a given BGP peer does not have a corresponding key in the Secret data, then authentication is considered disabled for that peer.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: antrea-bgp-passwords
  namespace: kube-system
stringData: "password"
  2001:db8::1-65000: "password"
type: Opaque

Example Usage

Combined Advertisements of Service, Pod, and Egress IPs

In this example, we will advertise Service IPs of types LoadBalancerIP and ExternalIPs, along with Pod CIDRs and Egress IPs from the selected Nodes to multiple remote BGP peers.

apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: BGPPolicy
  name: advertise-all-ips
      bgp: enabled
  localASN: 64512
  listenPort: 179
      ipTypes: [LoadBalancerIP, ExternalIP]
    pod: {}
    egress: {}
    - address:
      asn: 65001
      port: 179
    - address:
      asn: 65001
      port: 179

In this example, we configure the BGPPolicy to advertise Egress IPs from selected Nodes to a remote BGP peer located multiple hops away from the cluster. It’s crucial to set the multihopTTL to a value equal to or greater than the number of hops, allowing BGP packets to traverse multiple hops to reach the peer.

apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: BGPPolicy
  name: advertise-all-egress-ips
      bgp: enabled
  localASN: 64512
  listenPort: 179
    egress: {}
    - address:
      asn: 65001
      port: 179
      multihopTTL: 2


  • The routes received from remote BGP peers will not be installed. Therefore, you must ensure that the path from Nodes to the remote BGP network is properly configured and routable. This involves configuring your network infrastructure to handle the routing of traffic between your Kubernetes cluster and the remote BGP network.
  • Only Linux Nodes are supported. The feature has not been validated on Windows Nodes, though theoretically it can work with Windows Nodes.
  • Advanced BGP features such as BGP communities, route filtering, route reflection, confederations, and other BGP policy mechanisms defined in BGP RFCs are not supported.

Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.