

Antrea API

This document lists all the API resource versions currently or previously supported by Antrea, along with information related to their deprecation and removal when appropriate. It is kept up-to-date as we evolve the Antrea API.

Starting with the v1.0 release, we decided to group all the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) defined by Antrea in a single API group, crd.antrea.io, instead of grouping CRDs logically in different API groups based on their purposes. The rationale for this change was to avoid proliferation of API groups. As a result, all resources in the crd.antrea.io are versioned individually, while before the v1.0 release, we used to have a single version number for all the CRDs in a given group: when introducing a new version of the API group, we would “move” all CRDs from the earlier version to the new version together. This explains why the tables below are presented differently for crd.antrea.io and for other API groups.

For information about the Antrea API versioning policy, please refer to this document.


CRDs in crd.antrea.io

These are the CRDs currently available in crd.antrea.io.

CRD CRD version Introduced in Deprecated in / Planned Deprecation Planned Removal
AntreaAgentInfo v1beta1 v1.0.0 N/A N/A
AntreaControllerInfo v1beta1 v1.0.0 N/A N/A
ClusterGroup v1alpha2 v1.0.0 v1.1.0 Feb 2022
ClusterGroup v1alpha3 v1.1.0 N/A N/A
ClusterNetworkPolicy v1alpha1 v1.0.0 N/A N/A
Egress v1alpha2 v1.0.0 N/A N/A
ExternalEntity v1alpha2 v1.0.0 N/A N/A
ExternalIPPool v1alpha2 v1.2.0 N/A N/A
NetworkPolicy v1alpha1 v1.0.0 N/A N/A
Tier v1alpha1 v1.0.0 N/A N/A
Traceflow v1alpha1 v1.0.0 N/A N/A

Other API groups

These are the API group versions which are curently available when using Antrea.

API group API version API Service? Introduced in Deprecated in / Planned Deprecation Planned Removal
clusterinformation.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1beta1 No v0.3.0 v1.0.0 Dec 2021
core.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1alpha2 No v0.11.0 v1.0.0 Dec 2021
controlplane.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1beta2 Yes v0.11.0 v1.0.0 Dec 2021
ops.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1alpha1 No v0.8.0 v1.0.0 Dec 2021
security.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1alpha1 No v0.8.0 v1.0.0 Dec 2021
stats.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1alpha1 Yes v0.10.0 v1.0.0 Dec 2021
system.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1beta1 Yes v0.5.0 v1.0.0 Dec 2021
controlplane.antrea.io v1beta2 Yes v1.0.0 N/A N/A
stats.antrea.io v1alpha1 Yes v1.0.0 N/A N/A
system.antrea.io v1beta1 Yes v1.0.0 N/A N/A


API group API version API Service? Introduced in Deprecated in Removed in
core.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1alpha1 No v0.8.0 v0.11.0 v0.11.0
networking.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1beta1 Yes v0.3.0 v0.10.0 v1.2.0
controlplane.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com v1beta1 Yes v0.10.0 v0.11.0 v1.3.0

API renaming from *.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com to *.antrea.io

For the v1.0 release, we undertook to rename all Antrea API to use the antrea.io suffix instead of the antrea.tanzu.vmware.com suffix. For more information about the motivations behind this undertaking, please refer to Github issue #1715.

As part of this renaming, and to avoid proliferation of API groups, we have decided to group all the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) defined by Antrea in a single API group: crd.antrea.io.

To avoid disruptions to existing Antrea users, our requirements for this renaming process were as follows:

  1. As per our upgrade policy, older Agents need to be able to communicate with a new upgraded Controller, using the old controlplane.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com API. Once both the Controller and the Agent are upgraded, they communicate using controlplane.antrea.io.
  2. API Services can be accessed using either API version.
  3. After upgrade, Custom Resources can be managed using either API version. Resources created using the old API (before or after upgrade) can be accessed using the new API (or the old one).
  4. For each resource in each API group, the new resource type should be backward-compatible with the old resource type, and, whenever possible, forward-compatible. This simplifies the upgrade of existing client applications which leverage the Antrea API. These applications can be easily upgraded to use the new API version, with no change to the business logic. Custom Resources created before upgrading the application can be accessed through the new API with no loss of information.

To achieve our 3rd goal, we introduced a new Kubernetes controller in the Antrea Controller, in charge of mirroring “old” Custom Resources (created using the *.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com API groups) to the new (*.antrea.io) API. This new mirroring controller is enabled by default, but can be disabled by setting legacyCRDMirroring to false in the antrea-controller configuration options. Thanks to this controller, the Antrea components (Agent and Controller) only need to watch Custom Resources created with the new API group. If any client still uses the old (or “legacy”) API groups, these Custom Resources will be mirrored to the new API group and handled as expected.

The mirroring controller behaves as follows:

  • If a Custom Resource is created with the legacy API, it will create a new Custom Resource with the same Spec and Labels as the legacy one.
  • Any update to the Spec and / or Labels of the legacy Custom Resource will be reflected identically in the new Custom Resource.
  • Any update to the Status of the new mirrored Custom Resource (assuming it has a Status field) will be reflected back identically in the legacy Custom Resource.
  • If the legacy Custom Resource is deleted, the mirrored one will be deleted automatically as well.
  • Manual updates to new mirrored Custom Resources will be overwritten by the controller.
  • If a legacy Custom Resource is annotated with "crd.antrea.io/stop-mirror", it will then be ignored, and updates to the corresponding new Custom Resource will no longer be overwritten.

This gives us the following upgrade sequence for a client application which uses the legacy Antrea CRDs:

  1. Ensure that Antrea has been upgraded in the cluster to a version greater than or equal to v1.0, and that legacy CRD mirroring is enabled (this is the case by default).

  2. Check that all Custom Resources have been mirrored. All the new ones should be annotated with "crd.antrea.io/managed-by": "crdmirroring-controller". The first command below will display all the legacy AntreaNetworkPolicies (ANPs). The second one will display all the ones which exist in the new crd.antrea.io API group. You can then compare the two lists.

    kubectl get lanp.security.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'
    kubectl get anp.crd.antrea.io -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.metadata.annotations.crd\.antrea\.io/managed-by=="crdmirroring-controller")]}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'
  3. Stop the old version of the application, which uses the legacy CRDs.

  4. Annotate all existing Custom Resources managed by the application with "crd.antrea.io/stop-mirror". From now on, the mirroring controller will ignore these legacy resources: updates to the legacy resources (including deletions) are not applied to the corresponding new resource any more, and changes to the new resources are now possible (they will not be overwritten by the controller). As an example, the command below will annotate all ANPs in the current Namespace with "crd.antrea.io/stop-mirror".

    kubectl annotate lanp.security.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com --all crd.antrea.io/stop-mirror=''
  5. Check that none of the new Custom Resources still have the "crd.antrea.io/managed-by": "crdmirroring-controller" annotation. Running the same command as before should return an empty list:

    kubectl get anp.crd.antrea.io -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.metadata.annotations.crd\.antrea\.io/managed-by=="crdmirroring-controller")]}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'

    If you remove the filter, all your ANPs should still exist:

    kubectl get anp.crd.antrea.io -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'
  6. Safely delete all legacy CRDs previously managed by the application. As an example, the command below will delete all legacy ANPs in the current Namespace:

    kubectl delete lanp.security.antrea.tanzu.vmware.com

    Once again, all new ANPs should still exist, which can be confirmed with:

    kubectl get anp.crd.antrea.io -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'
  7. Start the new version of the application, which uses the new CRDs. All mirrored Custom Resources should be available for the application to access.

  8. At this stage, if all applications have been updated, legacy CRD mirroring can be disabled in the Antrea Controller configuration.

Note that for CRDs which are “owned” by Antrea, AntreaAgentInfo and AntreaControllerInfo, resources are automatically created by the Antrea components using both API versions.

All legacy API groups are planned for removal in December 2021. All versions of Antrea released after that will no longer include support for legacy API groups and will no longer ship with the mirroring controller. We recommend that all applications using the Antrea API be upgraded before then using the procedure detailed above.

Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.