

Antrea Multi-cluster User Guide

Antrea Multi-cluster implements Multi-cluster Service API, which allows users to create multi-cluster Services that can be accessed cross clusters in a ClusterSet. Antrea Multi-cluster also supports Antrea ClusterNetworkPolicy replication. Multi-cluster admins can define ClusterNetworkPolicies to be replicated across the entire ClusterSet, and enforced in all member clusters. Antrea Multi-cluster is introduced in Antrea v1.5.0, and the ClusterNetworkPolicy replication feature is supported since Antrea v1.6.0.

Antrea Multi-cluster Installation

Prepare Antrea Multi-cluster Image

For Antrea Multi-cluster, there is only one image antrea/antrea-mc-controller:latest you can pull the image from Docker Hub by default, or if you’d like to build image locally, you can follow the following steps to get the image ready on your local clusters.

  1. Go to antrea folder, run make antrea-mc-controller, and you will get a new image named antrea/antrea-mc-controller:latest locally.
  2. Run docker save antrea/antrea-mc-controller:latest > antrea-mcs.tar to save the image.
  3. Copy the image file antrea-mcs.tar to the Nodes of your local cluster.
  4. Run docker load < antrea-mcs.tar in each Node of your local cluster.

Deploy Mulit-cluster Controller

In a ClusterSet, there is one leader cluster and two or more member clusters. You can run the leader controller in either a dedicated cluster or one of the member clusters. Please refer to Installation in Dedicated Leader Cluster and Installation in the Member Cluster to deploy leader and member controllers in separate clusters, or you can refer to Installation in a Shared Cluster to learn how to run both member and leader controllers in one cluster.

Deployment in a Dedicated Leader Cluster

  1. Run the following commands to apply Multi-cluster CRDs in the leader cluster.

    • For any given release <TAG> (e.g. v1.5.0).

      kubectl apply -f https://github.com/antrea-io/antrea/releases/download/<TAG>/antrea-multicluster-leader-global.yml
    • To deploy the latest version (checkout and built from the main branch).

      kubectl apply -f multicluster/build/yamls/antrea-multicluster-leader-global.yml
  2. Install Multi-cluster Controller in the leader cluster. Since Multi-cluster Controller is running as namespaced deployment, you should create a Namespace first, then apply the manifest with new Namespace.

  • For any given release <TAG> (e.g. v1.5.0).

    kubectl create ns antrea-mcs-ns
    curl -L https://github.com/antrea-io/antrea/releases/download/v1.5.0/antrea-multicluster-leader-namespaced.yml >   antrea-multicluster-leader-namespaced.yml
    sed 's/changeme/antrea-mcs-ns/g' antrea-multicluster-leader-namespaced.yml | kubectl apply -f -
  • To deploy the latest version (checkout and built from the main branch).

    kubectl create ns antrea-mcs-ns
    multicluster/hack/generate-manifest.sh -l antrea-mcs-ns | kubectl apply -f -

Deployment in a Member Cluster

You can run the following commands to install Multi-cluster Controller to all member clusters. The command will run the controller in the “member” mode in the kube-system Namespace by default.

  • For any given release <TAG> (e.g. v1.5.0).
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/antrea-io/antrea/releases/download/<TAG>/antrea-multicluster-member.yml
  • To deploy the latest version (checkout and built from the main branch).
kubectl apply -f multicluster/build/yamls/antrea-multicluster-member.yml

Deploy Leader and Member in one Cluster

There is no deployment dependency between member and leader clusters if you are using a cluster as a dedicated leader cluster. But if you’d like to run both leader and member controllers in one cluster, below is the required deployment sequence:

  1. Follow the step in section Installation in the Member Cluster to install the member controller first.
  2. Follow the step 2 only in section Installation in Dedicated Leader Cluster to install the leader controller. The global CRDs have been installed when you deploy the member controller.

ClusterSet Creation

An Antrea Multi-cluster ClusterSet should include at least one leader cluster and two member clusters. As an example, in the following sections we will create a ClusterSet with ID test-clusterset which has two member clusters with cluster ID test-cluster-east, test-cluster-west and one leader cluster with ID test-cluster-north.

Set up Access to Leader Cluster

We first need to set up access to the leader cluster’s API server for all member clusters. We recommend creating one ServiceAccount for each member for fine-grained access control.

  1. Apply the following yaml in the leader cluster to set up access for test-cluster-east.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: member-east-access-sa
      namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
        name: member-east-access-token
        namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
          kubernetes.io/service-account.name: member-east-access-sa
    type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: member-east-access-rolebinding
      namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: antrea-mc-member-cluster-role
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: member-east-access-sa
        namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
  2. Copy the access token into the member cluster test-cluster-east. E.g.

    kubectl get secret member-east-access-token -n antrea-mcs-ns -o yaml | grep -w -e '^apiVersion' -e '^data' -e '^metadata' -e '^ *name:'  -e   '^kind' -e '  ca.crt' -e '  token:' -e '^type' -e '  namespace' | sed -e 's/kubernetes.io\/service-account-token/Opaque/g' -e 's/antrea-mcs-ns/kube-system/g' >  member-east-access-token.yml
  3. Replace all east to west and repeat step 1/2 for the other member cluster test-cluster-west to create the token secret and copy the token.

Set up ClusterSet

All clusters in the ClusterSet need to use ClusterClaim to claim itself as a member of a ClusterSet. A leader cluster will define ClusterSet which includes leader and member clusters.

  • Create below ClusterClaim and ClusterSet in the member cluster test-cluster-east.

Note: Update server: "" in ClusterSet resource to the correct the leader cluster API address.

apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: east-membercluster-id
  namespace: kube-system
name: id.k8s.io
value: test-cluster-east
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: clusterset-id
  namespace: kube-system
name: clusterSet.k8s.io
value: test-clusterset
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSet
    name: test-clusterset
    namespace: kube-system
      - clusterID: test-cluster-north
        secret: "member-east-access-token"
        server: ""
      - clusterID: test-cluster-east
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
  • Create ClusterClaim and ClusterSet in the member cluster test-cluster-west.

Note: Update server: "" in ClusterSet resource to the correct leader cluster API address.

apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: west-membercluster-id
  namespace: kube-system
name: id.k8s.io
value: test-cluster-west
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: clusterset-id
  namespace: kube-system
name: clusterSet.k8s.io
value: test-clusterset
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSet
    name: test-clusterset
    namespace: kube-system
      - clusterID: test-cluster-north
        secret: "member-west-access-token"
        server: ""
      - clusterID: test-cluster-west
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
  • Create ClusterClaim and ClusterSet in the leader cluster test-cluster-north.
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: leadercluster-id
  namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
name: id.k8s.io
value: test-cluster-north
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: clusterset-id
  namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
name: clusterSet.k8s.io
value: test-clusterset
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSet
    name: test-clusterset
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
      - clusterID: test-cluster-north
      - clusterID: test-cluster-east
        serviceAccount: "member-east-access-sa"
      - clusterID: test-cluster-west
        serviceAccount: "member-west-access-sa"
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns

When you also want to make the leader cluster test-cluster-north as a member in the ClusterSet, so it can export and import resources from other member clusters, make sure you follow the steps in Installation in a Shared Cluster, and repeat the step Setting up Access to Leader Cluster as well to create the token secret and copy the token first.

A sample yaml is like below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: member-north-access-sa
  namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: member-north-access-token
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
      kubernetes.io/service-account.name: member-north-access-sa
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: member-north-access-rolebinding
  namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: Role
  name: antrea-mc-member-cluster-role
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: member-north-access-sa
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns

Then create below ClusterClaim and ClusterSet in the cluster test-cluster-north in the kube-system Namespace where the member controller is deployed.

apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: north-membercluster-id
  namespace: kube-system
name: id.k8s.io
value: test-cluster-north
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: clusterset-id
  namespace: kube-system
name: clusterSet.k8s.io
value: test-clusterset
apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSet
    name: test-clusterset
    namespace: kube-system
      - clusterID: test-cluster-north
        secret: "member-north-access-token"
        server: ""
      - clusterID: test-cluster-north
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns

Then update the ClusterSet test-clusterset definition as below to include itself as a member cluster in the Namespace antrea-mcs-ns where the leader controller is running in the cluster test-cluster-north.

apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSet
    name: test-clusterset
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns
      - clusterID: test-cluster-north
      - clusterID: test-cluster-east
        serviceAccount: "member-east-access-sa"
      - clusterID: test-cluster-west
        serviceAccount: "member-west-access-sa"
      - clusterID: test-cluster-north
        serviceAccount: "member-north-access-sa"
    namespace: antrea-mcs-ns

Multi-cluster Service

After you set up a ClusterSet properly, you can simply create a ServiceExport resource as below to export a Service from one member cluster to other members in the ClusterSet, you can update the name and Namespace according to your local K8s Service.

apiVersion: multicluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServiceExport
  name: nginx
  namespace: kube-system

For example, once you export the kube-system/nginx Service in the member cluster test-cluster-west, Antrea Multi-cluster Controller in the member cluster will create two corresponding ResourceExport resources in the leader cluster, and the controller in leader cluster will create two ResourceImport contains all exported Service and Endpoints'. you can check the created resources in the leader cluster which should be like below:

$kubectl get resourceexport
NAME                                        AGE
test-cluster-west-default-nginx-endpoints   7s
test-cluster-west-default-nginx-service     7s

$kubectl get resourceimport
NAME                      AGE
default-nginx-endpoints   99s
default-nginx-service     99s

Then you can go to the member cluster test-cluster-east to check the new created Service and Endpoints with name kube-system/antrea-mc-nginx and a ServiceImport named kube-system/nginx. If there is already an existing Service created by users in the member cluster test-cluster-east also named nginx in Namespace kube-system, which should have no Antrea Multi-cluster annotation, then Multi-cluster Controller will simply skip the Service and Endpoints creation.

If there is any new change from the exported Service or Endpoints, the derived multi-cluster resources will be updated accordingly. A few cases below are worth to note:

  1. When there is only one Service ResourceExport, Antrea Multi-cluster Controller will converge the change and reflect the update in correspoding ResourceImport. Otherwise, controller will skip converging the update until users correct it to match the Service definition in correspoding ResourceImport.
  2. When a member cluster has already exported a Service, e.g.: default/nginx with TCP Port 80, then other member clusters can only export the same Service with the same Ports definition including port names. Otherwise, Antrea Multi-cluster Controller will skip converting the mismatched ResourceExport into the corresponding ResourceImport until users correct it.
  3. When a member cluster’s Service ResourceExport has not been converged successfully due to forementioned mismatch issue, Antrea Multi-cluster Controller will also skip converging the corresponding Endpoints ResourceExport until users correct it.

Multi-cluster ClusterNetworkPolicy Replication

Since Antrea v1.6.0, Multi-cluster admins can specify certain ClusterNetworkPolicies to be replicated across the entire ClusterSet. This is especially useful for ClusterSet admins who want all clusters in the ClusterSet to be applied with a consistent security posture (for example, all Namespaces in all clusters can only communicate with Pods in their own namespaces). For more information regarding Antrea ClusterNetworkPolicy (ACNP), refer to this document.

To achieve such ACNP replication across clusters, admins can, in the acting leader cluster of a Multi-cluster deployment, create a ResourceExport of kind AntreaClusterNetworkPolicy which contains the ClusterNetworkPolicy spec they wish to be replicated. The ResourceExport should be created in the Namespace which implements the Common Area of the ClusterSet. In future releases, some additional tooling may become available to automate the creation of such ResourceExport and make ACNP replication easier.

apiVersion: multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ResourceExport
  name: strict-namespace-isolation-for-test-clusterset
  namespace: antrea-mcs-ns          # Namespace that implements Common Area of test-clusterset
  kind: AntreaClusterNetworkPolicy  
  name: strict-namespace-isolation  # In each importing cluster, an ACNP of name antrea-mc-strict-namespace-isolation will be created with the spec below
    priority: 1
    tier: securityops
      - namespaceSelector: {}       # Selects all Namespaces in the member cluster
      - action: Pass
        - namespaces:
            match: Self            # Skip drop rule for traffic from Pods in the same Namespace
        - podSelector:
              k8s-app: kube-dns    # Skip drop rule for traffic from the core-dns components
      - action: Drop
        - namespaceSelector: {}    # Drop from Pods from all other Namespaces

The above sample spec will create an ACNP in each member cluster which implements strict namespace isolation for that cluster.

Note that because the Tier that an ACNP refers to must exist before the ACNP is applied, an importing cluster may fail to create the ACNP to be replicated, if the Tier in the ResourceExport spec cannot be found in that particular cluster. If there are such failures, the ACNP creation status of failed member clusters will be reported back to the Common Area as K8s Events, and can be checked by describing the ResourceImport of the original ResourceExport:

kubectl describe resourceimport -A
Name:         strict-namespace-isolation-antreaclusternetworkpolicy
Namespace:    antrea-mcs-ns
API Version:  multicluster.crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
Kind:         ResourceImport
    Applied To:
      Namespace Selector:
      Action:          Pass
      Enable Logging:  false
          Match:  Self
        Pod Selector:
          Match Labels:
            k8s-app:   kube-dns
      Action:          Drop
      Enable Logging:  false
        Namespace Selector:
    Priority:  1
    Tier:      random
  Kind:        AntreaClusterNetworkPolicy
  Name:        strict-namespace-isolation
  Type    Reason               Age    From                       Message
  ----    ------               ----   ----                       -------
  Warning ACNPImportFailed     2m11s  resourceimport-controller  ACNP Tier random does not exist in the importing cluster test-cluster-west

Known Issue

We recommend user to reinstall or update Antrea Multi-cluster controllers through kubectl apply. If you are using kubectl delete -f * and kubectl create -f * to reinstall CRDs and controller in the leader cluster, you might encounter a known issue during ResourceExport CRD cleanup. To avoid this issue, please clean up any ResourceExport resources in the leader cluster first, and make sure kubectl get resourceexport -A returns empty result before you can reinstall the CRDs and leader controller.

All ResourceExport can be deleted with the following command:

kubectl get resourceexport -A -o json | jq -r '.items[]|[.metadata.namespace,.metadata.name]|join(" ")' | xargs -n2 bash -c 'kubectl delete -n $0 resourceexport/$1'

Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.