

Deploying Antrea in AWS EKS

This document describes steps to deploy Antrea in NetworkPolicy only mode to an AWS EKS cluster.

Assuming you already have an EKS cluster, and have KUBECONFIG environment variable point to the kubeconfig file of that cluster.

With Antrea >=v0.9.0 release, you should apply antrea-eks-node-init.yaml before deploying Antrea. This will restart existing Pods (except those in host network), so that Antrea can also manage them (i.e. enforce NetworkPolicies on them) once it is installed.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vmware-tanzu/antrea/main/build/yamls/antrea-eks-node-init.yml

To deploy a released version of Antrea, pick a deployment manifest from the list of releases. Note that EKS support was added in release 0.5.0, which means you cannot pick a release older than 0.5.0. For any given release <TAG> (e.g. v0.5.0), you can deploy Antrea as follows:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/antrea/releases/download/<TAG>/antrea-eks.yml

To deploy the latest version of Antrea (built from the main branch), use the checked-in deployment yaml:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vmware-tanzu/antrea/main/build/yamls/antrea-eks.yml

Now Antrea should be plugged into the EKS CNI and is ready to enforce NetworkPolicy.

Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.